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Suggest and Offers Dialogue

Today is recruitment new members of extra curricular program. The school hall is really crowded.

Bianca : Oh God, it's really crowded here. I don't even know how to breathe!
Rax     : Come on! Don't be such a drama queen...
Nadine : Ahahaha.. Well, it's true that is really crowded here.
               Do you guys already know what extra curricular you gonna join?
Bianca : Well, it's kinda hard to choose because there are a lot of options.
Rax     : How about theatre club? It's suit you really well.
Bianca : Um... I don't think that's a good idea. You know I'm a shy person.
Rax     : You're joking, right? 
Nadine : Guys! Come on! Why don't we look around to make sure?
Rax     : Okay, sounds good to me.
Vivi     : Hi! I'm Vivi, from english club.
Nadine : Oh, hello! Nice to meet you.
Bianca : I've heard about english club before, but I'm not sure...
Vivi     : There are a lot of activities that we do in english club.
              You can practice your public speaking, story telling, or even debate!
Nadine : Wow! That sounds fun!
Vivi      : It is! Would you guys join us?
Bianca : Of course! That sounds great!
Nadine : Yeah, that's a great idea! How about you, Rax?
Rax      : I'd rather join the football team...
Bianca : Okay you cool guy.
Nadine : Wait here, Rax! We'll be back after fill the registration!


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